Here, we are going to uncover whether or not Native Americans have facial hair. The answer is yes and no. Yes, they do have facial hair, but it’s a different kind of facial hair than what you’d be used to seeing.
The truth about the Native American people is that there were many tribes in North America before Europeans came along. There was also a lot of intermarrying between these tribes.

This resulted in some tribes having features from both sides of their heritage.
Some tribes had dark skin while others had lighter skin.
They all shared similar physical characteristics, such as straight black hair and brown eyes, but those with mixed Tribal heritage didn’t have as much facial hair as those directly descended from a single tribe.
Fact or Myth: Do Native Americans Have Facial Hair?
Some Native Americans have very few hairs on their body except for their heads, but even those who cannot grow full beards will have a covering of sparse hairs.
Traditionally, Native Americans would pluck out this sparse hair, which is perhaps where the myth that they don’t have any facial hair originates.
The truth of the matter is that beards are common among Native Americans today, mostly due to the melding of genes from other, hairier races, but even when plucking the hairs from their faces was the done thing, certain tribal leaders still wore mustaches.
As mentioned earlier, those with mixed tribal heritage typically have less facial hair than those who can trace their lineage back through a single tribe.
But it’s important to remember that it isn’t just those with Native American blood that may find it hard to cultivate a few bristles. People all over the globe from all walks of life have trouble growing a full beard.
Native Americans can have thick facial hairs, patchy facial hairs, or little to no beard at all. It all comes down to genes. If a Native American child’s parents and ancestors had thick hair, then the chances of them inheriting such a trait increase.
You may also end up with a thick beard even if it’s not a family trait, but the chances are far lower, as are the chances of you passing it on to your offspring.
Why Do Native Americans Have Facial Hair That Is Sparser Than Usual?
Early Native Americans had facial hair, but they didn’t like it, as they thought it looked barbarous. In fact, they weren’t too fond of anything other than head hair, which is why you’ll see a lot of early pictures of Native Americans with no eyebrows.
These hairs would be singed or plucked, and, as this practice continued over time, it led to less hair growth on the faces of many people today. In many respects, it can be considered a form of evolution.
The same thing happened in Europe. People from northern European countries such as Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, etc., have much thicker facial hair than those from southern European countries such as Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, etc.
Did Native Americans Ever Shave?
Early Americans would either pluck, singe, or shave their hair using obsidian (volcanic glass) stones. Many early Americans had a lot of facial hair. Some even used to wear long beards.
The first Europeans to come to America thought that the natives’ facial hair was disgusting and unsightly. They assumed that the bearded Native Americans must be “savages” and “wild”.
How Did Facial Hair Become Common Amongst Native Americans Today?
Facial hair became popular amongst Native Americans when white settlers began arriving in large numbers. The settlers brought their own style of facial hair which included beards, mustaches, sideburns, etc.
These new styles were seen as being more civilized and refined. The Native Americans adopted these styles and started growing facial hair themselves.
What Happened To Early Native Americans With No Beard Or Mustache?
Many early Native Americans had no facial hair whatsoever. There is evidence that this was true for most tribes. Some tribes had a lot of facial fuzz while others had none. If your great-grandfather was one of those tribesmen, he probably grew a full beard.
If your grandfather was from that tribe, he might have grown a small mustache. Your grandmother might have been born with a smooth face. Her children might have inherited her smooth skin and lack of facial hair.

It’s important to remember that there are many factors involved in determining whether someone will grow a beard or not. Genetics plays a big role, but the environment also influences how much facial hair a person grows.
When Was Facial Hair First Seen On Men?
There is evidence that men in Europe began sporting beards around 1000 BC. However, we know that facial hair was common among Native Americans before Europeans arrived.
We know this because the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto found Native Americans living in Florida with beards and mustaches. He wrote about them in his diary.
Can Native Americans Do Something to Help Beard Growth?
Beards are an important part of Native American culture. You can encourage your beard by eating healthy foods, especially fish and meat. Vitamins B12 and Biotin are needed for hair growth. Fish and meat are high in vitamin D, which helps hair follicles grow.
Men should also be sure to get a good night’s rest every night. A beard grows much slower if the man doesn’t sleep well.
In Conclusion
Do Native Americans have facial hair? The answer is yes. It has been documented through previous studies that Native Americans have been growing beards since ancient times. Many tribes today still sport facial hair.
The facial hair and body hair makes them feel proud and strong, and this is a common belief. It’s a symbol of power and strength, and in a way, a proud renunciation of the European ideal that a clean-shaven face is a reflection of civility.
In this respect, facial hair is something no Native American man should feel ashamed of, whether it grows in patches or as a full-blown beard.
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